Maximizing Conventional Memory If "LA Strippers" still does not load, check your available conventional (low) memory. You can do this by typing: "MEM" and pressing Enter. Check to make sure that you have at least 580 Kbytes of free memory in the low memory area. If you do not have enough free memory available, you may be able to adjust your system configuration by changing all "Device=..." statements in your config.sys file to "DeviceHigh=...". In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file you can precede commands with the "LoadHigh " statement. Both of these actions will load drivers and programs into high (Extended) memory thereby freeing up conventional memory. An alternative is to create a "Boot Disk". This is done by formatting a system disk. To do this place a blank disk in the "A:" drive and type: FORMAT A:/S Then you can make a "skeleton" config.sys file by setting up expanded memory (EMM386.EXE, see above), and loading high the drivers for your CD-ROM, Sound Card, etc. Leave any unecessary commands out of your config.sys and autoexec.bat.